Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This is my dog. His name is Frankie -- We named him this because when we first got him we had Frank Sinatra playing in the car and he barked with the trumpets. Too cute :D
We rescued him from a puppy mill; this puppy mill was terrible too! The owners had a buffalo in the front yard as a pet. Weird. Anyway, Frankie was obviously abused, and still hasn't gotten over his fear of men and large feet. Over the years he has warmed up to me. As you can see I like to dress him up, he looks so cute in dresses and hats and necklaces.
He's a Pomeranian, and embarrassingly enough, I have a dog purse and LOVE taking him everywhere with me. Even more embarrassingly, I skype with him too. He doesn't quite get the video idea, but he hears my voice and runs to the door. Yeah, I realize that this may come back to haunt me later in life -- But you have to admit, he's a adorable.
Don't judge me, I needed something to write about.


  1. You're dog is too cute! I have always preferred small dogs to large ones; they have just always seemed easier to take care of. I'm glad you were able to rescue him from a puppy mill. I don't understand why someone would want to abuse an animal. I bet he's happy that he finally has a good, loving home. It's also adorable that you skype with him and that he gets so excited by your voice! Although, I do wonder, how does he feel about being dressed up in dresses and necklaces?

  2. Haha, your dog is a little fluffball. He is rather cute. I won't hate on you for having a dog purse, but I do find it a bit amusing. I understand the love of having a dog, and I would take my dog Bella everywhere with me if she weren't about 70 pounds. Haha. PS. I skyped with my dog one time...she was confused.

  3. At first I laughed at the fact that you Skype with your dog but I have a confession. My sister is in Vancouver because she is working at the Olympics. I went home this past weekend and my parents used my computer to Skype with my sister because they haven't gotten to talk to her since she left other than through email and instant messaging. Well, while my sister was on Skype I moved the computer so she could see our dog Abby. I tried to get her to recognize my sister's face on the computer but she just didn't get it. She could hear that her name was being called but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. So, sorry for laughing cause I am right there with you.
